Changes Sometimes Feel IntimidatingIf you find treatments such as habit, and nutrition changes way too hard or too intimidating did you know that you are very much not alone!? This might sound strange to you but I love it when patients come to me and let me know if they are struggling with diet changes or whatever treatment they are working on. It means I can help them take smaller bite sizes that seem more approachable or try different treatment options until you find one that is a good fit for you. It's counterproductive to feel constantly like you are failing or not doing the treatment so it's really important that each treatment plan is highly individualized to your unique needs and real life circumstances. Improving health can feel really intimidating or challenging sometimes, this is why people are more successful making these changes with support like counselling. I practice Mind Body Spirit medicine which means how you feel about a treatment is just as important as the treatment itself. Knowing your health practitioner has your back can make something like a diet change that feels impossible a little easier when you know you have someone in your corner ready and looking forward to collaborating with you. In fact, bringing in your emotional struggles is usually part of the healing process. A Good Fit A good fit in a healthcare practitioner is important, it can mean the difference of being able to keep up a treatment plan or feeling defeated. If you are currently working with someone and feel like you are needing some adjustments and your practitioner isn’t willing or able to help you through it then it might be a good time to find someone with a better fit! Before you leave though, make sure you let them know that you are struggling. Some practitioners are unaware that you need help. Be specific in where you are struggling and ask them directly and clearly for adjustments or help figuring out adjustments to make it more manageable. If you are looking for a healthcare practitioner it’s always a good idea to take a consultation or meet and greet option if they have it, and a good question to ask them is “What happens if the treatment feels too hard for me? How do you manage that with a patient?” Working With MeIf this resonates with you and you would like to work with me then click here and check out how to apply to become a patient at Butterfly Naturopathic. Comments are closed.