What is Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)?
The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a self-guided, non-invasive and holistic counseling technique based on the study of acupuncture, neuro-linguistic programming, energy medicine, and Thought Field Therapy (TFT), to treat psychological and physical ailments.
EFT uses particular acupuncture points along the same energy meridians used in Traditional Chinese medicine. However, instead of using needles to stimulate the meridian points, the points are tapped using your own fingertips. While you are tapping, there are certain phrases to repeat, depending on what you would like to work with, which helps to transform your own mental and emotional beliefs that are holding you back from achieving your full potential and optimal health.
EFT uses particular acupuncture points along the same energy meridians used in Traditional Chinese medicine. However, instead of using needles to stimulate the meridian points, the points are tapped using your own fingertips. While you are tapping, there are certain phrases to repeat, depending on what you would like to work with, which helps to transform your own mental and emotional beliefs that are holding you back from achieving your full potential and optimal health.
What is EFT good for?
EFT is an easy and universal technique that can be used for emotional, physical and psychological ailments. It helps to transform any self-limiting beliefs you may have about yourself and remove any psycho-emotional blocks preventing you from reaching your full potential or causing physical dysfunction. EFT can be used for anything from fears and trauma to back pain and singing improvement.
Below is a list of common uses for EFT.
Below is a list of common uses for EFT.
- Phobias
- Psychological and Emotional Traumas
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Anger Management
- Pain Management
- Disease Modification
- Sports Performance Enhancement
Can I use EFT on myself?
At the Butterfly Naturopathic Clinic, our Naturopathic Physicians are trained in EFT and can provide the service for you and guide you in performing the technique yourself. You can also visit the Official EFT website for more information and to see if this technique is right for you.