What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese Medicine which has been used to treat medical ailments since 1600 BC. Acupuncture works with the meridian system to bring the body into balance. Qi or life force energy flows through the meridians of the body. A blockage or a disharmony in this flow of energy can result in medical conditions. Qi can be stimulated and directed within the meridian channels through over 500 acupuncture points along the surface of the body.
How does it work?
Your body's constitution, emotional state, pulse, tongue and symptoms tell us which meridian channels are out of balance. Different points along the surface of the body produce different effects within the meridian system and can target specific meridian channels to clear blockages, boost deficiencies or calm excess. Depending on the state of your health and constitution, an individualized acupuncture point protocol will target your specific needs and bring you back into a state of harmony and wellness.
What is Acupuncture used for?
Acupuncture is used in the treatment and prevention of many health conditions. According to the Philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, disease arises from a state of imbalance or stagnation, and acupuncture is designed to correct the imbalance or stagnation before it manifests as a chronic disease. The conditions most commonly treated with acupuncture include acute and chronic pain, headaches, premenstrual syndrome, menopausal symptoms, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, insomnia, peripheral neuropathies, and more.