When the seasons start turning there are many celebrations and traditions that bring family together. Here is a quick guide to help you to start to recognize what you need to feel empowered to regenerate this winter along with the rhythm of nature. Winter is often seen in many cultures and spiritual practices as a time to go inward to reflect, regenerate, and take stock of what has happened in the year and prepare for the year ahead. This commonly includes time with family and celebrations or spiritual traditions and practices. Sometimes celebrations and family are nourishing and relaxing, or sometimes it can be challenging, and sometimes it’s a mix of both feelings which can be confusing. Many people struggle with mental health at this time of year because of the expectations of friends and family, expectations you have for yourself, and societal pressure to follow certain expectations. More Of What You Want And Leaving Behind What You Don't Want Here are some questions to help you identify and navigate towards what you want more of and what you would like to leave behind this season. Remember, as you are reading these questions there aren’t any wrong answers here, just information to help you get more of what you want this season. Questions To Consider
If you’d like to take this one step further after you have considered the questions, here is a suggestion to try that can help you to get going in the direction you want. If you have anything you would like to have more of in your life, pick which one is the most important and commit by either writing it down and scheduling it in your planner or telling or planning with a friend or loved one to take the action step together. Try to commit to one thing you can do in the next 2 weeks that will help you toward that goal. Think baby steps to start out if you tend to get overwhelmed. There is nothing wrong with breaking your steps up into smaller bite sized pieces. Starting something small is better than not starting at all! No matter how you spend your time this winter season, this guide is to bring awareness to what YOU want more of. We are wishing you a happy, loving and fulfilled season and cheering you on! If this brings up questions you would like to have some help navigating through and you resonate with holistic medicine you can check out how to work with me here. |